Ezra Weston Loomis Pound (30 October 1885 – 1 November 1972)became known for his role in developing Imagism, which, in reaction to the Victorian and Georgian poets, favored tight language, unadorned imagery, and a strong correspondence between the verbal and musical qualities of the verse and the mood it expressed.After teaching Romance Languages at Wabash College in Indiana for two years, he resigned and travelled to Spain, Italy and England. He became interested in the poetry of the Chinese and Japanese.He founded the Imagist movement in poetry, which encouraged experimenting with different verse forms, and opposed representational art in favor of abstract forms.

Friday, December 2, 2011

#17 Pressure…

 Definitely an issue of great importance would be the pressure young girls and even boys go through to be “perfect”.  I hate how every time I open a magazine its always a too skinny model crudely posing. Sure they look pretty but what does it take to get to pretty? Also stars are always being judged for weight fluctuations and weather their too skinny or too fat something is always wrong with them. In high school the thirst for perfection is at its highest. Me and my best friend are always judging ourselves we know we are not fat but we cant help but have that mindset. She is skinnier than me so sometimes it hurts to have her call herself fat, its like if your fat then what am I? I believe this is an issue the world may never overcome… I hate to be lacking optimistic views but as a person of experience in this area with a horrible view of herself I cant help but think how many others are like me?? I hope there can be even more pressure on girls to accept themselves and be healthy and happy.

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